So thanksgiving is coming up. Things seem to be going well.
Horses are going to be moved to new full care places I trust. Long story, but good news is true friends have helped me find full care places for them that I can afford. You just wouldn't believe the weirdness going on with people. You just have to shake your head and do whats right, even if other people seem to be on another planet.
I am moving around alot better. Left arm is just about normal, no more drunkin arm lol.
My brother is doing great too. Weaker but better. He was in the hospital for about a week. High fevers and pain. I teased about him being a football player needing all the pain meds and little ole me with broken neck didn't need any.. All in good humor
So foreboding feeling all gone or was it..hhhhmmm...
I am staying with one set of grandparents. Actually both sets are within blocks of each other so I see my other grandparents often.
Well my grandma, one I am staying with, has a sister that is in poor health and can't cook big meals. So grandma makes a full turkey dinner and then makes nice packets that can be reheated or frozen for later. Every year a few weeks before thanksgiving they take my Aunt, grandmas sister, the packets for her Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner as well as her gifts.
Nov 14, 2008 We drove up to clear lake, CA which is in the pretty forest hills of the Napa valley for a visit. Long car ride for me but I brought fluffy pillows and a book. I tested the pillows when we got to calistoga. For some reason I had this feeling I needed to find a way to lay down on the bench seat in the middle of the mini van while wearing a seat belt. Took a bit but I found a comfy way to do it and be safe.
We had our visit and was on the way back. In calistoga again my grandma talks about a few years back how on the way to my aunts house with that years dinner they were at a stop light and was rear ended by a pick up. The van took the hit well but needed some repairing but the truck needed to be towed away on a flat bed.
At that point I had the need to lay down. So I get situated with the pillow and the seat belt.
about 40 min later, we were stopped at the major intersection, that feels in the middle of no where, by sears point and American canyon, CA when that feeling hit hard.
Something is coming, go limp. Almost a pressure coming down on me. Was about to say something like look out when WHAM!!!!!
A full size 2007-08 chevy truck hits us about 30-40 mph. We hit the car in front of us and they hit the one in front of them. You can hear car parts scattering across the road/highway as other cars drive over them.
I ask grandparents "are you ok?"
They say yes but are more worried about me. I feel just great. The fluffy pillow held me in place and the seat belt kept me on the seat. It was the perfect place for me to be in that kind of accident.
By the time I got out of the car my grandpa is talking to the truck driver and the lady in front of us is still talking to the guy she hit. I found the camera and started taking pictures in the dark of the car we hit and the truck. OMG the truck!
It was smashed but the little mini van was like a tank. just a dent, a big one, but that's it!
The car we hit was nothing other then a little scratch.
The truck driver turns out to be a 16-17 yr old driver that just got his licence 3 weeks ago.
He is a wreck, not hurt but just emotionally distraught. His first accident and his truck is gonna need to be towed with a flat bed. He was so shaken that he couldn't talk to his mom on the phone. He handed it too me and I talked to his mom.
I told her that no one was hurt and that the truck was really bad but her son was ok just over come with shock. She is on her way and we try to calm the poor kid. The fire fighters arrive and start talking to every one to see if anyone was hurt, Grandma may have a bit of whip lash. When one walked up to me he looked around and said, "how did the EMTs beat us here?"
I realize he saw my neck brace and I said. "oh no I had this before the accident"
He asked if I was ok and I said yes. We laughed as the next fire fighter came and said the same thing. I then said "oh no I just come prepared" lol
EMTs arrive and they look at me and say "When did the fire fighters start carrying C-spine braces" lol I explained to them my accident and they are shocked I am not hurt. When I told them how I was laying down in the van with the belt on they told me "That was perfect. If you had been sitting up you could be back in the hospital right now worse off"
So the tow truck comes and tows the poor kids truck away. The front right tire seems to be broke off from the axle. We are in the van which is fine other then the dent in the back door and the girl we hit, who had left before the police arrived, said she didn't care about the scratch.
Grandpa wants to get rid of the van, its been rear ended at stop lights 3 times now. I said no way. That's a little tank. It took that hit like it was nothing. Its the safest mini van ever! lol
But I can't help but wonder what is out there that seems to be playing with me.
Did you notice the date. This happened one month to the day of my accident, off by only 2 hours.
"What may seem like a series of unfortunate events may, in fact, be the steps of a journey"
Is this the start of some huge strange journey, What is coming my way next?
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I had a very tragic event, Feb 2009, and I seemed to shut down with writers block.
Follow along as I dust myself off after being paralyzed from a broken neck.
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