No I am not going to be on the show lol not tall enough lol
But I do work on Film and Tv in the SF Bay area. A friend called me up to see if I was feeling up to working as a Production Assistant on American Next Top Model.
I will be in charge of making sure all the applicants have all the paper work filled out, Photos and copies of identification. Paper clips, staples, Skinny girls oh my.
My movie buddie picked me up and were are off to SF at about 5 am
It is pouring down rain and there is a line around the hotel 2 times. Oh boy this is going to be a long day.
Thankfully I am working inside all day :)
I do feel sorry for the guys outside handing out applications to those that did not print them out at home.

So as the potential models come in, they are told to sit in our waiting area. This area is filled with chairs, about 400 chairs. I believe we refilled this area at least 15 times throughout the day.
I then went row by row.
"Ok this row, please pass me your completed applications and photos, do not hand me any photos you won't let us keep"
Then I stapled the photos to the application. Do you have any idea how many times I was asked "when do we get our pictures back?" or they actually handed me their Social Security card..... Duh.... I also was asked a million times "which photos should I use" to which I would reply "I can not pick for you, use the photos that you think show who you are at your best" ...
I think at the time this was taken I had processed about 1000 models.. my brain had gone on vacation lol
Though I have to say, I think I look good for just out of a neck brace :)
For a while I got to be in the casting room with the film crew. Where each girl was asked a few questions on camera and height measured. Yes we made them take off their shoes and measured.

It was a ton of fun hanging out with my film crew buddies.
But wow was I tired
There is talk going around about two TV shows coming to the bay area..
Hope so because this may be the only work I will get. My buddies will look past the neck and give me a chance.
But no more stunts for me :(