Tonight the healthiest and most active person I know has passed away.
My Grand Father golfed every week and was at the Car Races every weekend as a Pit Crew Member. Yes you heard me. My 80 something grandpa was still out there in the pits putting race cars back to together.
I have learned so much from him. Replacing water pumps, breaks, break lines, cables, starter, fuel pump... you name it he showed me how to fix it. When my car would break, sure it annoyed me to no end, but it meant I got to hang out with grandpa.
There is too much about him to say right now.. Give me time.
A veteran of a war and local police force, His passing has come as a shock to everyone. A few wouldn't believe us. The local Racing world is in shock and speechless.
I for one lost it at the hospital. There I am standing there looking at what was my grandpa. I in my braces near screaming at the world.
I get a second life. I died and came back when many others in my place don't.
Grandpa is the second person I have lost, within weeks, that I believe deserved another life.
Why am I here?
He felt no pain from a brain aneurysm. We lost him in seconds.
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