Diary of an Extreme Cowgirl

Every cowgirl has an Extreme Story. So What's Yours?

I am working on many updates. I apologize for being MIA.
I had a very tragic event, Feb 2009, and I seemed to shut down with writers block.

Follow along as I dust myself off after being paralyzed from a broken neck.
Are you an Extreme Cowgirl?
Soon you can add your story to http://www.extremecowgirls.com/

Sunday, March 23, 2008

March Update :)

Posted by Extreme_Cowgirl

well one month after leaving the hospital he has gained a bunch of weight and growing like a weed..

let's recap a bit though:

rushed to hospital on feb 14
weight 625
height 13.2 hands

surgery on feb 17
50lbs of dirt removed
weight 575
height 13.2

released from hospital feb 29 (leap year, a day that does not usually exsist )
weight 635 up 60 lbs
height 13.2

march 27
weight 740 up 105 lbs
height 14