Diary of an Extreme Cowgirl

Every cowgirl has an Extreme Story. So What's Yours?

I am working on many updates. I apologize for being MIA.
I had a very tragic event, Feb 2009, and I seemed to shut down with writers block.

Follow along as I dust myself off after being paralyzed from a broken neck.
Are you an Extreme Cowgirl?
Soon you can add your story to http://www.extremecowgirls.com/

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Friday the 13th, surgery update

Posted by Extreme_Cowgirl


Doctor said I am done with follow ups but to come back if anything gets worse.
I got a copy of my x-rays and Mri's but man I can't understand what on earth it shows lol.
I am still healing faster then anyone thought possible. I will start my Physical Therapy soon. The insurance is being stupid, just not getting back to me on where I should go for PT.
He said I have no restrictions but with a few exceptions.. Ah how is that no restrictions lol

So still not allowed to:
drive for a few more months
Jump in horse jumping competitions for 6 more months ( no prob, wasn't planing on it for a while)
Dive for another 6months (shoot)

well I guess I can live with those lol
But I am allowed to RIDE my horse!

But I do need to get my horse in shape before I ride anyway so not going to be in the saddle for another month or two. Poor horse has been just sitting around or being turnout for an hour all this time. So not fair to just jump on and go riding.

Plus I sold a lot of my tack including my saddles to make sure I could pay bill and have a horse boarding fund. Disability only paid $200/mo so that didn't help much.

So need to find the money to rebuy tack. Problem is that I need a special kind of saddle.
A Lynn McKenzie special tree saddle. It is made for horses with big shoulders.

I would have loved for my friend Melissa to be there for my first ride. I miss her