Diary of an Extreme Cowgirl

Every cowgirl has an Extreme Story. So What's Yours?

I am working on many updates. I apologize for being MIA.
I had a very tragic event, Feb 2009, and I seemed to shut down with writers block.

Follow along as I dust myself off after being paralyzed from a broken neck.
Are you an Extreme Cowgirl?
Soon you can add your story to http://www.extremecowgirls.com/

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Please Help! My Saddle was Stolen "REWARD"

Posted by Extreme_Cowgirl

Saddle was stolen last night, August 21, 2007 in the Concord, CA area.

Car was broken into and saddle was stolen.

Please keep an eye out on Craigslist, Ebay, and local tack sales. $100 reward give towards the recovery of the saddle.

It has extreme sentimental value.

Description: Big Horn Saddle, Raw hide horn with silver on top, small gouge in the silver and cut in the raw hide with a little green paint.

14 in seat.

Plate on the side of saddle says "Big Horn".


Paula said...

Post on CowboyWay.com - This is a site popular in Kansas! You never know how far a stolen saddle can travel! Paula @ The Broken Y Ranch