Diary of an Extreme Cowgirl

Every cowgirl has an Extreme Story. So What's Yours?

I am working on many updates. I apologize for being MIA.
I had a very tragic event, Feb 2009, and I seemed to shut down with writers block.

Follow along as I dust myself off after being paralyzed from a broken neck.
Are you an Extreme Cowgirl?
Soon you can add your story to http://www.extremecowgirls.com/

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thy evil plastic bags

Posted by Extreme_Cowgirl

Well he again did great on everything..

The plastic walk over was an issue but he over came it. And walks over it like a pro.

He is learning so fast and performing so well I will give him the day off tomorrow.

The Extreme Ranch Trails are Saturday so I will ride one last time on Friday. Then off the the competition Saturday morning. I will video and will try and get photos too.

I won't know if I am chosen for the RFD-TV "Extreme Cowboy" until September 4th.

So until then I will train as if I am on the show again. Keep your fingers crossed for me.