Diary of an Extreme Cowgirl

Every cowgirl has an Extreme Story. So What's Yours?

I am working on many updates. I apologize for being MIA.
I had a very tragic event, Feb 2009, and I seemed to shut down with writers block.

Follow along as I dust myself off after being paralyzed from a broken neck.
Are you an Extreme Cowgirl?
Soon you can add your story to http://www.extremecowgirls.com/

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Still not out of the woods

Posted by Extreme_Cowgirl

Well he is not out of the woods yet.
I just got off the phone with the vet a second ago.
I couldn't go see him today cause I have a tire blow out.

Yesterday they ultrosounded him again, he keeps running a fever. low but still there.
It showed no real infection but something is buggin him.
They are putting in a drain right now, because they believe he has fluid in there that is leaking from his colon.

The drain should help clear that out. He is still eating and pooping though, which I am told are good signs.

He loves his hay and fresh grass by the barn. I walk him around abit and graze him about 5 min a day. I believe the techs do some too.
So keep the prayers coming, we both need it.

I think I am going to have a heart attach before this is all over, just so scared.